Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Libya: War For World Government

The last several weeks we've all seen what's going on in Libya.  The good, the bad, and the ugly.  has anyone ever questioned 'WHY'?  The easy answer is 'oil'.
The biggest question still remaining is 'Why, after nearly four decades of rule, and support from the world community is Gaddafi now EVIL'?

Doesn't it seem a little 'TOO CONVENIENT' for there to be massive protests and riots ONLY in the Middle East/Northern Africa?  Those aren't the only nations were the 'paupers' are oppressed.  What about the oppression in North America?  In South America?  Europe?  Asia?  Why is it that the ONLY ones who feel the need to demonstrate this are a world away?
You'll find the answers to these questions in this well written article, found on Alex Jones' website.


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