Sunday, May 8, 2011

Osama bin Laden Blunder

Osama bin Laden’s death is the greatest PR blunder ever!  The reason for this is quite simple:  It NEVER happened!

If Osama bin laden is in fact dead, he certainly didn’t die on Sunday May 1st, 2011. 

First of all, let’s look at what we know; rather. What has been released by the American Government to the Illuminati controlled media:

·        Osama bin Laden has been living for 4 or 5 years in a massive compound that is located just a few hundred yards from a Pakistani military base.  Yet no one in Pakistan was aware of this?

·        When the SEAL team raided this compound, he was apparently unarmed, yet was still shot in the head.  Where I come from, shooting an unarmed man is considered a massive faux pas.

·        No one has seen his body.  Osama bin Laden was apparently buried at sea within 24 hours of his ‘death’.  I understand that this falls within Muslim beliefs, but why not at least make an attempt to return his body to his family?  Is it because there is no body to return?

·        Where is the PROOF that Osama bin Laden is actually dead?  Why not release just one photo of his body?  Or even a photo of the raid?  Surely the SEAL team wear wearing face masks to conceal their identity, so there is no real security threat there.  If bin Laden truly is one of the most hated men in the world, then wouldn’t you think we would all rejoice, and celebrate his death?  Hell, even when Malcolm X was assassinated, we saw photo’s of his dead body.  So, the American’s CANNOT say that this reluctance is out of Muslim respect.

·        Now there have been videos of Osama bin Laden released to the Illuminati controlled mass media.....  Without any sound.  Would that be because we’ve all heard bin Laden’s voice, and would very easily be able to tell it’s NOT him in said videos?  Also, only one of these videos appears to be even remotely authentic: With an aged bin Laden.  However, we can’t see his face.  Is that just a clever directorial move by Hollywood?

The big question is this:  Why would the American government so blatantly create a conspiracy?  Why create a situation, a story with so many gaping holes in it?  The answer to that question is very simple:  To distract us.

Who outside of Canada really paid attention to our recent General Election on Monday may 2nd?  Who is really paying attention to more bankruptcies around the world, (Ireland, Greece, etc....)?

What about the Illuminati choreographed riots, and subsequent violence still occurring in Egypt, Libya, and now in Syria?  That’s right, we’re being blindfolded by the mass media into believing that the American’s have finally found Osama bin Laden, and executed him.  Let me tell you, he’s NOT dead.  He is being well protected.  Where?  I don’t know.  But you can rest assured he was not killed this past week.

The Illuminati are slowly and methodically destroying nation states one by one.  Financially tearing nations apart.  Splitting societies.  Removing the middle class.  Soon you will see there will only be the rich, and the poor.  Two classes are much easier to control and to manipulate.  The wealthy will make their own rules, yet will still do as the ‘SUPER RICH’ do, as they will always crave more success and more money.  The poor will do as the ‘SUPER RICH’ tell them, for obvious reasons: They want/need money.  Again, two classes are much easier to manipulate.

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