Friday, November 12, 2010

A New Twist On My Blog

So, I've decided to move my blog into a more 'conspiracy-centric' direction. It`s not that I`m a `conspiracy nut`. I am just tired of being lied to by the mass media, and our governments. I just want the truth to come out. If the small amount of people who read this blog, will help the word get out, then maybe some things will change. I highly doubt it, but, it`s worth a shot.

I plan on telling it how it is. I want you all to know about the truth behind our governments, the mass media, Hollywood, the truth movement, religion, and many other things. So, I`ll keep you all posted about the happening events around the world, and what they REALLY mean. I`ll be posting links back here on the usual websites, Facebook, but more often than not, Twitter.

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