Just my views on the world. The truth about 9/11. The truth about what is really happening. Freemasons, Illuminati, Bildeburgers, Bohemian Grove, NWO, NAU, New World Order, North American Union, EU, European Union, conspiracies, government LIES
So, I'm listening to the radio right now, (AM640 Toronto), and of course they're still talking about the riots in Vancouver. I guess they didn't read my article from yesterday, STAGED VANCOUVER RIOTS, where myself, and many of my readers supported the idea that there was a conspiracy behind those events.
Now back to my original point: The radio. No less than THREE times this morning have I heard the commentators on the radio use the words 'New World' and/or 'New World Security'. It's almost as thought this Illuminati controlled medium is following a script, doesn't it?
It seems to me, (and hopefully you), that we are slowly being programmed. The New World Order is among us, and no one has noticed. That's THEIR plan! Slowly implementing control. The kicker is: We're allowing this!
I know you're smarter than this. Why else would you be reading this blog, or Googling the keyword that lead you to this site. It's time to stand up, and stop this. No stupid protesting. That shit doesn't work, unless THEY want it to. I'm not sure what sort of demonstration will work. We've learned that public protesting is a joke. We've learned that elections are a joke. We need some sort of civil disobedience. I'm not sure where we could go from here. If you have any ideas, PLEASE post it in my guest book. If you do, I beg of you to sign your name. Anonymity is pointless. It no longer exists.
Yes, I'm trying to get the word out there. We NEED action! What sort of action? I'm open to suggestions!
I know it's been a few weeks since I've posted on here. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure why. I've been quite busy though, and there hasn't really been anything of interest that's happened in the news, until NOW. Well, last night to be exact, (June 15th, 2011).
We all know what happened in Vancouver after the dismal game 7 loss by the hometown Canucks... Riots ensued. But why? Was it because some citizens of Vancouver were pissed their team lost? After all, they did the same thing back in 1994. I beg to differ. Here's the reasoning behind my thoughts.
When the Canucks lost at their last try for Lord Stanley's beer mug, there were riots in the streets of the city. The police, and the Powers That Be, (PTB), learned from those actions. Hell, there was even a several hundred page report made public on the subject. They knew that if Vancouver lost again, the world would expect riots, so the PTB delivered them in spades.
Vancouver Riot Police
Let's look at it this way: Where was all the damage really done? A few stores, and two cars, (one of which was a Police Cruiser). Kind of reminds you of the G20 riots in Toronto last summer?
These two riots were clearly staged, to bring about, (in front of all of us), a new Police State. Yes, that's right, a POLICE STATE.
It only takes a few people to start a riot. Shortly after, most people will follow suit. It's called 'The Mob Mentality'. Just do as you see others doing, and you'll fit in, and be less likely to get caught. That's what the PTB were counting on, in both instances, (think Agent Provocateurs, or PLANTS).
Now, let's look at the cars that were torched. One, a piece of shit, old, already beat up car. And the other, a Police Cruiser. Both cars were deliberately parked in, or near the 100,000-strong Canucks' supporters. Now this proves one of two things: Either the Vancouver Police are the dumbest law enforcement agency in Canada, or the cars were planted for just such an event. You decide.
You'll also notice that the riots in Vancouver have made the front page of most news papers in North America. It's on all the news broadcasts in North America, and many around the world. Why, you may ask? The Illuminati controlled mass media is at work. The PTB want as many people as possible to see this. They want the world to be, (like many of us in North America), slowly brainwashed. So they can slowly but surely start putting into place a Police State, and eventually a New World Order.
You watch.... It won't be long until you see CCTV cameras everywhere. In all major cities around North America. They'll be doing it in the same of Security, of course. If you have nothing to hide, then why worry about them? Think again, my friend. Rent the movie 1984 at your local video store, or on Netflix. Or, better yet, read the book. That is where we're headed. Not now, not tomorrow, but pretty damn soon!
Here is some fear mongering for all of us.It sounds as though the Illuminati Controlled Media is trying to scare us into staying at home.Or, if they are in fact right, (which they more than likely are), it’ll keep us home this summer.Greater restricting our freedom to travel.
So what’s happening at the Fukushima nuclear reactor?Who the Hell knows?It’s been melting down for over two months.
Experts have told us that within hours of the Earthquake and tsunami, the radiation levels were at least ten times that of Chernobyl.What’s it at now?No one really knows.And if they do, they certainly aren’t getting any press in the mainstream media, are they?The Fukushima disaster isn’t even front page news anymore.It was for about a week, hitting the front pages of the New York Times, the L.A. Times, and pretty much every newspaper in the world.Now it’s not even below the fold.You’ll be hard pressed to find any coverage in the first ten pages of many newspapers.Have you heard about it on the TV news?No.Have you heard about it on daytime radio?No.Only a few broadcasts that I’m aware of even mention Fukushima.And those RADIO shows are on late at night, when the majority of the world is asleep.
There are massive levels of radiation hitting the western shores of North America, yet no one is talking about it.Millions are going to die from radiation related illnesses.They won’t be reported.You know it, and I know it.
Why is that?That’s easy enough to answer.It’s because the Illuminati controlled media are being told not to report on it.Why?So that we the SHEEP, are unaware of the dangers around us.We’re all well aware that the ideal world, (according to The Illuminati) is population of roughly 500 million people.The smaller the populous, the easier they are to control.So, with that in mind, do you wonder why we’re not being told about this disaster anymore?Why we no longer hear of precautions we should take to help protect ourselves, and our families? Why we no longer hear those stupid ads for Iodide pills, (they don’t work anyways)?
You can bet your bottom dollar that many more people will die in the coming years due to the fallout of this man made earthquake and tsunami.When you start seeing your friends and family drop dead from radiation poisoning, you can thank the Powers That Be.
Just thought I’d give you a quick heads-up, as I haven’t written much lately.Again, thanks for reading!!
It’s been nearly ten years since the False Flag attack of September 11th, 2001.Since then, the Western World has been subjected to unjustified wars in Iraq, and Afghanistan.In 2003, George W. Bush announced ‘MISSION ACCOMPLISHED’ in regards to the American lead mission/war in Iraq.Now that Osama bin Laden has supposedly been murdered by a U.S. SEAL team, on orders by President Barack Obama, one could conclude that the mission in Afghanistan has now been accomplished?
Guess what? It’s not!!Since the 9/11 attacks on The World trade Centres, and subsequent controlled demolition of the twin towers, our freedoms have slowly been removed from our lives.You’ve noticed it:We can’t take bottles of water onto airplanes with us.We can’t cross the Canada/US border, (formally the largest unprotected border in the world), without a passport.We can’t board an airplane without going through a naked body scanner, or get molested by airport security/TSA.
The reason for all these ‘security measures’ is simple:To corral us.To stop us from wanting to travel.So that we don’t leave our homes.To stay inside our slowly disappearing borders.
The Powers That Be are continuing to feed us lies.The saddest part is that the vast majority of people believe what they say without question.For example: Saddam Hussein was captured, tried, andexecuted.I say BULLSHIT to that.You can read my views on that HERE.
Now they want us to believe that they have murdered Osama bin laden.Again, I scream out a HUGE BULLSHIT to that as well.Let’s not forget all the inconsistencies I mentioned in OSAMA BIN LADEN BLUNDER.We can also add that the American Government has now said that they found a ‘treasure trove’ of intelligence, along with quite an extensive collection of porn.
Let’s get this straight.... A guy, who the Americans would have us believe, hates all things in the Western world.Who hates freedom.Who hates the idea of women walking around in public with their faces showing.Now they claim to have found a bunch of pictures and videos of women showing much more than their faces.How dumb do They really think we are?I guess a lot of us are pretty stupid.After all, I would guess that the majority of people who heard that garbage spouted by the White House believed it.FOOLS!
They also want us to believe that Osama bin Laden masterminded the 9/11 attacks on a laptop, hiding in the caves of Afghanistan.Did you ever try and get an Internet signal to your laptop, in a cave, in 2000/2001?It sounds incredibly stupid today, but I bet you believed it 10 years ago, when George W. Bush told you to believe it.Now do you feel like an idiot?Or, are you among the many people such as myself, that doesn’t believe a word our ‘leaders’ tell us?
Like I wrote in OSAMA BIN LADEN BLUNDER, you will continue to see inconsistencies, and changing stories daily regarding the alleged death of Osama bin Laden.Keep your eyes and ears open, kids.The stories will get even more outlandish, and unbelievable.I’ll try and keep you up to speed on things, just in case you miss it.
Osama bin Laden’s death is the greatest PR blunder ever!The reason for this is quite simple:It NEVER happened!
If Osama bin laden is in fact dead, he certainly didn’t die on Sunday May 1st, 2011.
First of all, let’s look at what we know; rather. What has been released by the American Government to the Illuminati controlled media:
·Osama bin Laden has been living for 4 or 5 years in a massive compound that is located just a few hundred yards from a Pakistani military base.Yet no one in Pakistan was aware of this?
·When the SEAL team raided this compound, he was apparently unarmed, yet was still shot in the head.Where I come from, shooting an unarmed man is considered a massive faux pas.
·No one has seen his body.Osama bin Laden was apparently buried at sea within 24 hours of his ‘death’.I understand that this falls within Muslim beliefs, but why not at least make an attempt to return his body to his family?Is it because there is no body to return?
·Where is the PROOF that Osama bin Laden is actually dead?Why not release just one photo of his body?Or even a photo of the raid?Surely the SEAL team wear wearing face masks to conceal their identity, so there is no real security threat there.If bin Laden truly is one of the most hated men in the world, then wouldn’t you think we would all rejoice, and celebrate his death?Hell, even when Malcolm X was assassinated, we saw photo’s of his dead body.So, the American’s CANNOT say that this reluctance is out of Muslim respect.
·Now there have been videos of Osama bin Laden released to the Illuminati controlled mass media.....Without any sound.Would that be because we’ve all heard bin Laden’s voice, and would very easily be able to tell it’s NOT him in said videos?Also, only one of these videos appears to be even remotely authentic: With an aged bin Laden.However, we can’t see his face.Is that just a clever directorial move by Hollywood?
The big question is this:Why would the American government so blatantly create a conspiracy?Why create a situation, a story with so many gaping holes in it?The answer to that question is very simple:To distract us.
Who outside of Canada really paid attention to our recent General Election on Monday may 2nd?Who is really paying attention to more bankruptcies around the world, (Ireland, Greece, etc....)?
What about the Illuminati choreographed riots, and subsequent violence still occurring in Egypt, Libya, and now in Syria?That’s right, we’re being blindfolded by the mass media into believing that the American’s have finally found Osama bin Laden, and executed him.Let me tell you, he’s NOT dead.He is being well protected.Where?I don’t know.But you can rest assured he was not killed this past week.
The Illuminati are slowly and methodically destroying nation states one by one.Financially tearing nations apart.Splitting societies.Removing the middle class.Soon you will see there will only be the rich, and the poor.Two classes are much easier to control and to manipulate.The wealthy will make their own rules, yet will still do as the ‘SUPER RICH’ do, as they will always crave more success and more money.The poor will do as the ‘SUPER RICH’ tell them, for obvious reasons: They want/need money.Again, two classes are much easier to manipulate.
Quick update: Here are the fake shots of Osama being posted around the Internet.
Osama Fakes
Here is the first, 'almost believable' shot of what COULD be Osama's dead body. If you look at it for more than 5 seconds, you too will start to question it's authenticity.
Dead Osama?
If this is the best the American government can do, then they aren't giving us much credit. What do you think?
Another Dead Osama?
Here's the most recent photo of a supposedly dead Osama Bin Laden. Not a very good try, if you ask me.
Late last night, U.S. President Barrack Obama announced to the world that the United States has physical custody of the body of Osama Bin Laden. This morning I woke up to hear that Bin Laden's body was buried at sea. Well, which is it? Do they have his body, or did they throw it overboard? Mark my words: Bin laden is NOT dead! The same way Adolph Hitler didn't die in 1945, as widely reported, (ironically, also reportedly confirmed dead on May 1st). Like Hitler, Bin Laden's body will never be seen by the general public.
Yes, I'm saying that this reported death of Osama Bin laden is just another Psy-op by the American government. Don't you find it kind of funny that this was reported on May 1st, (May Day)? The American Government was also sure to use something that most kids will also relate to: An unknown person Tweeting about this operation, as it happened.
Also, where's the PHYSICAL proof that Osama Bin Laden has been killed? And, if he was in fact killed yesterday? Many people believe that he was killed several years ago. Others believe that he died of 'natural causes', as he required regular use of a kidney dialysis machine. After hiding in the mountains of Pakistan or Afghanistan, (as the mass media would have you believe), you would think he'd have died there? Without access to his much needed dialysis machine.
Another possible reason for falsely announcing the death of Osama Bin Laden could be justification for another 'Terrorist attack' on American soil. By that I mean, another False Flag attack. Just like 9/11.
If you keep watching the news, and the Internet, you'll see many other inconsistencies about this story.
You've noticed over the past several weeks, (or maybe you haven't), that there has been quite a bit of unrest in Libya, and now in Syria. The reason why I'm wondering if you've really noticed is that there has been a constant injection in the main stream media of this 'feel good' story: That of the wedding between Prince William, and Kate Middleton.
There is also a nuclear meltdown occurring in Japan. Haven't heard a lot about that lately either, have you?
Here's son information about the Royal Family, and traditions you may not be aware of:
When William and Kate wed this week, not only will William's name change, (He'll be entitled to the Royal title of Duke), but so will Kate's. She'll become Her Royal Highness Duchess Catherine of, (wherever William becomes Duke). The title 'DUKE' comes from the Latin word 'Dux', which means A LEADER. You see, a Duke is the highest rank in British Peerage. Queen Elizabeth II is also a Duke. No, not a Duchess, but a Duke. She is the Duke of Lancaster. While her son, Prince Charles, the Price of Wales, is also the Duke of Cornwall. That's why after marrying his wife, Camilla Parker Bowels, became the Duchess of Cornwall.
Many Royal Watchers believe that William will be given the Dukedom of Cambridge. However, there are many others, such as, Windsor, Clarence, Sussex, Kendal, and Avondale, just to name a few.
The last Duke of Cambridge was Prince George. He was known as The Second Duke of Cambridge, born in 1819. He was the Grandson of George III, and the only son of Prince Adolphus Frederick, the first Duke of Cambridge. Like Prince William, this Duke is said to have married a 'commoner'. Like William, the Second Duke of Cambridge joined the British Military, and became quite the figurehead. He served in The Crimean War, and it wasn't long before he was promoted to Commander In Chief in 1887. I believe that William will be following the footsteps of the Duke of Cambridge.
You have also noticed in the coverage of this Royal Wedding that the majority of news, and other related shows are about Kate. Not the future King. That's simple. The reason is because The Illuminati are bringing back Goddess worship. Mark my words when I say this: Catherine will lift her own veil when the Wedding ceremony is complete. By that, she will be allowing William to take her as his bride. Not William taking her. Again, The Illuminati bringing back Goddess worship. Because that's part of the NEW RELIGION.
You will also notice that it was leaked to The Illuminati Controlled media that Catherine will NOT use the word 'obey' in her vows to William. That will be further proof still that women are again emboldening themselves above the men. That's right. The Royals are beginning to glorify the Goddess again. This time, in the most public of spectacles.
William and Catherine's wedding date is April 29th. That's the 119th day of the year. The 29th works out to be 1+1=2 and a 9. Look at it again. That's TWO backward 9/11's. Now let's look at it this way: the number 911, or the mirror image, 119, is also a hidden 11. 1+1+9=11.
April 29th is also the date that Adolph Hitler chose as his wedding day. So, there MUST be something very powerful about that date, don't you think?
William's Mother and father were also wed on a 29. July 29th, 1981.
In Numerology, the number 11 is the essence of all that is sinful, harmful, and imperfect. All things that are deemed 'sinful', 'harmful' and 'imperfect' are to be destroyed. They are to be destroyed, to make way for the NEW Global System. 11 is the MASTER'S number. Any multiplications of 11 are very powerful numbers too, in the Occult.
One of the reasons that the number 11 is so powerful is this: It's the Aquarius is the 11th sign of the Zodiac, and we are moving into the AGE OF AQUARIUS.
There are many 11's set into this historic Illuminati event. The time of the wedding itself is at 11:00 AM local time. Prince William is 29 years old, as is Catherine. 2+9=11.
As you can see by the incorporation of Numerology, this is a VERY powerful Illuminati/Occult event. During the ceremony and festivities of the day, pay close attention. Pay attention to the symbology incorporated into the events. Particularly on the newscasts.
Now the next question is: Who will be the next Illuminati Sacrifice?
Between April 19th, and May 1st is the window when human sacrifice begins. You doubt me? Let me pose you some examples:
The Waco Massacre, April 19th, 1993
The Oklahoma City bombing, April 19th, 1995
The Columbine High school Massacre, April 20th, 1999
There are many more, (you can Google it), and they are NO coincidence.
Those are just a few things I wanted to point out to you all. Now it's up to you to look for yourself. Remember to keep your mind open! Resist The Iluminati. Resist being controlled!
With less than two weeks away from Canada's 41st General Election, I'm becoming appalled by the amount of lies being spewed by our Federal Leaders. We all know the issues: Health care, Pensions, etc... The one thing that NO ONE has spoken about is the cost of gas. With 32% tax per litre every time we fill up our cars going directly to our Provincial Governments and federal Governments, and who knows who else?
Look at it this way: If you're paying a very modest $1.25 per litre for gas, an astounding $0.40 of that is TAX! Not to mention, we're paying tax on top of tax for our fuel. So, when you fill up your tank, (let's assume you drive a compact car), and your needle is on EMPTY. You fuel up 47 litres for your car, ($58.75). The amount of that cost is $18.80 in JUST TAX.
With 2009 numbers, there are 21,673,403 drivers in Canada. Now, assuming every driver in Canada drives the exact same compact car, and fills up their tank just once a week. That's $407,459,976.40 a WEEK in tax that our respective governments receive in gas tax money. That's $2,164,000,000.00 a year, (over $2 BILLION!). Yet we still are running a deficit.
But, enough about that. We know that the Governments gouge us. The tax money we pay doesn't always go to where we think its going. Better yet, it sometimes doesn't even go to Government spending.
Conservative Party
We all know that Stephen Harper is a member of the Bilerberger Group. He very quietly signed on with Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon to bring the North American Union one step closer to becoming a reality.
Liberal Party
We all know that Michael Ignatieff is a Russian Aristocrat, and has the same agenda as Harper.
Now Jack Layton: The leader of the Federal New Democratic Party. The NDP party was created for one reason: To help split the vote.
Bloc Quebecois Party
Gilles Duceppe. The leader of the Bloc Quebecois. Since the majority of the country cannot vote for The Bloc, I'll waste no time writing about them.
Green Party
Finally we have The Green Party and Elizabeth May. May was excluded from the televised Federal debates for clearly political reasons. She is the real reason I'm writing this post. I'm not a supporter of any party specifically, as I firmly believe they all have hidden agendas.
I've been watching very closely the daily polls that are coming out. They all show that the Harper lead Tory's will be forming another minority government.
The TV and radio news programs have been talking a lot lately about various 'VOTE MOBS' by younger people around the country. This is to drive the rest of the citizens out to vote for either the Tory's or the Grits. No one is really talking about the Green Party. Now here's my real intention with writing this article: Vote Green!
I'm not saying that because I'm an environmentalist. As you know, I'm a strong believer that Global Warming is a hoax. I'm saying vote Green as a protest. Harper is begging Canadians to vote for him, and give him a majority parliament. Ignatieff is questioning Harper's dedication to the democratic process. Jack Layton is too dumb to realize he'll never be Prime Minister, and Duceppe could NEVER be more than the Official Opposition.
Many of you fear the Green vote because of a lot of May's policies. For example: Wanting to impose a 'Carbon tax'. Even if the Green's won a majority, such a bill would never pass the Conservative-stacked senate.
So I implore you, as a protest against the tyrannical offices in Ottawa to vote Green. Not because I want Elizabeth May as my 'leader', but to show the rest of the world we aren't sheep. We won't be influenced by polls. We won't be influenced by what the Federal Leaders spew at us. Have your voice heard! I'm saying that because I think the Canadian Electoral System is one of the last in the world that still holds any form of credibility. I can say that. I have firsthand knowledge of how the system REALLY works in Canada.
Because 6 year old American Girls regularly strap explosives, and other implements of destruction to their bodies? Should someone teach the TSA a better way to profile?
You can read about it HERE
Looks like the Powers That Be are finally starting to get what they want: To keep you at home, working as slaves. With footage like this on the Internet, and the TSA acting in such a manner, who wants to travel?
This is something we must deal with. We MUST rebel against these actions! Don't let The Man keep you down. Don't let Him control how you travel, or where you travel. Terrorism does NOT exist. This is all just a rouse to better control you. How many of your rights and freedoms have been restricted, or entirely revoked in the name of FREEDOM?
TSA Body Scan
The scariest part of all this is, we are LETTING them keep us down! We are being blinded by manufactured uprisings around the world. Blinded by elections. All so we don't notice something that would have cause massive riots only 20- 30 years ago! Why the Hell aren't more people saying anything about it now? Why is it left just to the bloggers and 'conspiracy nuts'?
It's time to stand up and fight! I predict that sooner than later, there will be a REAL act of terrorism on North American soil. Not one that's been manufactured by The Illuminati. But one from REAL people. People who are fed up with being treated as though this world has turned into Orwell's 1984.
So, the cold now leads to Ozone depletion. Is this how They are going to spin the thinning Ozone layer? I just can't wait until they have to tell us that we're actually heading towards an Ice Age. Any ideas how They'll explain that?
Here's an interesting read, that starts to explain SOME of it.....
Although the media has done a great job of covering this up, the inconvenient truth is that all seven glaciers on California's Mount Shasta are growing. This includes Whitney Glacier, the states largest.
Mt. Shasta
Not only are Mt. Shasta's glaciers growing, two have nearly doubled in size.
Scientists first became aware of these growing glaciers in 2002. Now, nine years later, most media outlets refuse to acknowlege these glaciers are growing.
There was a record snowfall of 98 inches in March of 2010.
The City of Mount Shasta, sitting at the foot of the mountain about midway between San Francisco and Portland, Oregon,has broken a 108-year-old snowfall record for March with 97.9 inches, according to the National Weather Service. The old mark of 88 inches was set in 1903.
Glaciers Are Also Growing In Washington And Alaska
Mt. Rainier
Mt. Saint Helens
Let's take a look at Washington State. The Nisqually Glacier on Mt. Rainier is growing. Glaciers on Glacier Peak in northern Washington are also growing. Crater Glacier on Mt. Saint Helens is now larger that it was prior to it's 1980 eruption.
Hubbard Glacier
Now, let's take a look at Alaska. Glaciers are growing in Alaska for the first time in 250 years. In May if 2008, the Hubbard Glacier was advancing at a rate of 7 FEET per day.... That's more than half a mile per year. In Icy Bay, at least three glaciers advanced a third of a mile that year, as well.
Fifth-largest ice field in the Western Hemisphere also growing
Juneau Ice Field
And the Juneau Ice field, which covers 1,505 square miles and is the fifth-largest ice field in the Western Hemisphere, is also growing.
According to Michael Zemp at the University of Zurich - one of the scientists that Al Gore likes to quote - "some positive values were reported from the North Cascade Mountains and the Juneau Ice Field." ("Positive values" means "growing".)
Why is no one reporting this? Better yet, why do people still believe the garbage that Al Gore is feeding us?
So, it's starting to seem more and more like the Middle Eastern riots/protests are being staged... Or at least choreographed by the Western powers.
The newly appointed leader of the Libyan Rebels seems to have spent the last 20 or so years living in the United States. Actually in Virginia. What's in Virginia? The C.I.A. headquarters.
I know most of you have seen this video. But, this is the best quality footage I have yet seen. It seems as though E.T. was around while Japan was getting devastated. After watching this video several times, it appears there are two, or possibly THREE unidentified objects.
What's your opinion?
I'll try to post as many of these broadcasts as I can in the future. Gary Bell is a VERY enlightened person, who gives a very unique, (yet very correct) point of view.
I'm not trying to make this an ad for his radio show, but I HIGHLY recommend listening to this show whenever you get a chance.
The best two hours and twenty-seven minutes on radio!
The last several weeks we've all seen what's going on in Libya. The good, the bad, and the ugly. has anyone ever questioned 'WHY'? The easy answer is 'oil'.
The biggest question still remaining is 'Why, after nearly four decades of rule, and support from the world community is Gaddafi now EVIL'?
Doesn't it seem a little 'TOO CONVENIENT' for there to be massive protests and riots ONLY in the Middle East/Northern Africa? Those aren't the only nations were the 'paupers' are oppressed. What about the oppression in North America? In South America? Europe? Asia? Why is it that the ONLY ones who feel the need to demonstrate this are a world away?
You'll find the answers to these questions in this well written article, found on Alex Jones' website.
What do elections really mean? Many of you think that a General Federal Election means you have a voice. A voice to choose your next leader(s). You couldn't be more wrong.
Let me explain why:
Have you ever noticed, regardless of who is leading your country, that anything really changes? No. The foreign policies, and economic policies all stay the same.
After a federal Election, we may find ourselves with a new 'leader'. Again I say “No”. We find ourselves with a new puppet. The puppets change, but the puppet masters stay the same. That would be The Illuminati, The Bilderbergers, The Bohemians, The Masons, whoever you want to call them. They are all the same people. They control our provinces, nations, and planet.
Elections, and Government Parties, their members, MP’s, MPP's, and the like are just there for posturing. To make the 'little people' happy. To blind us from the real issues. When getting our street repaved is our biggest concern, we don't notice the implementation of the North American Union, and the New World Order.
As I wrote several months ago, Michael Ignatieff, (Mikael Ignatov), is not Canadian. He is not American. He is a RUSSIAN IMPOSTER.
There seems to be an inevitable General Election coming to Canada at the beginning of May this year. All things being equal, I will suggest that the next Prime Minister of Canada will be Michael Ignatieff.
So, regardless of who wins the next Federal Election in Canada, (in the next month or so), things will NOT change here. The people that control the country are not the folks on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Why do you think a Minority Government lasted for so long in Ottawa? Not because of what the Polls said. But because no one really cares who is sitting in the big office in our nation's capitol. The people that really control our country are a SHADOW GOVERNMENT. I'll leave it at that. Time to discuss!
I know it's been a few days since I posted something here.
This is a radio show this is on the top of my list. As it should be yours, as well.
Gary Bell goes deeper than almost any other reporter, (conspiracy-centric or otherwise), I've ever listened to.
You should give this a good listen. He explains some things about the Japanese Earthquake and subsequent tsunami, and many other thought provoking issues.
I know I haven't posted anything in a few days, and I'm sorry. Just wanted to give you guys a quick update. Over the next few days/week, I'm going to be moving. So, I won't be able to update this blog AT ALL. :( I should however, be back up and running sometime next week, (once my Internet gets set up at my new castle).
I'd like to thank you all for continuing to read my postings. many of you have commented, and I look forward to reading many of your thoughts. I would also like to thank you all for the outstanding success this blog has seen over the last couple of months. The number of hits here have increased by at least 10 fold!
Again, thank you all, and I'll be back up and writing very soon!
Charlie Sheen, (Carlos Irwin Estevez), has been in the news a lot this last week or so. Anyone know why?
I found it odd that a Hollywood actor would be getting so much press, simply for calling out the creator of his television show. After doing a fair bit of research, I came upon, what I believe to be the REAL reason this is happening.... And why it's happening NOW. This is a 2 1/2 hour radio broadcast, which clearly defines WHY Estevez is claiming to have 'Tiger Blood', and why the women in his life are referred to as 'Goddesses', and much much more.
Check this out! Ever feel like you're being watched? With the link below, you can identify almost EVERY SINGLE person who attended Obama's Inauguration!
As I discussed yesterday in : NATO Caught Lying.... AGAIN!, it seems that even the much heralded Al Jazeera is starting to drink the Western Kool-Aid as well.
Most major media outlets are reporting air strikes in Libya. I have yet to see any photo's, or video proof of this. Yes, we've all seen the damage that has been caused, but I don't think that ANYONE, including the Libyans have actually SEEN military aircraft dropping the alleged bombs. That damage, and any intelligent person would say, could EASILY be made by some strategically placed explosive devices.
In the age of Twitter and Facebook, one could reasonably assume that such videos and photo's would be all over The Internet by now.
This is what you call passion, children. Call him crazy, call him nuts, but Alex Jones speaks from the heart. He knows what's going on. He is simply trying to enlighten us!
We are all familliar with the uprising in the Middle East over the last couple of months. I've even written a few posts about it HERE and HERE.
As it turns out, the western media has gotten it wrong, yet again. What a fucking shock!